Mollie has done an excellent job in Montpelier standing up for working families and common sense government.
— Bernie Sanders

Mollie's Priorities


Sustainable Economic Growth

Vermonters need policies and programs to keep and create jobs, maintain the state's vibrant agricultural industries, and establish new avenues for responsible economic growth and long-term sustainability. Mollie's legislative work is focused on job creation and economic development through initiatives in the creative economy, agriculture, and transportation infrastructure.  


Vermonters need to be able to get around safely and efficiently, no matter their mode of transit. Mollie is working to make sure that our streets are safe for bicyclists and pedestrians and free of impaired drivers, that our roads and bridges are adequately funded and effectively maintained, and that those without cars have access to transit options around and beyond the state.

Working Families

Vermonters need decent jobs, a livable wage, affordable housing, health insurance, and transportation. Mollie supports policies that increase the minimum wage, provide support for housing, publicly fund primary care, and offer various options for transportation. She supports tax reform to help working families and the middle class.


Climate change affects our economy and our Vermont way of life. Vermonters can lead the way in piloting innovative carbon reduction measures. Mollie has sponsored legislation to incentivize electric vehicle purchases and supported increased funding for public transit. She has been a strong advocate for better and safer bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.